When I finished this book, I was torn as to wether or not it was better than/ worse than/ or the same as Starstruck. In the end I decided it is in some ways superior, in some ways not quite as good, but overall still a 5 (or maybe more like 4.5).
The first book was more focussed on Margo. This, I think was meant be to Amanda heavy, but it was a bit more balanced than Starstruck in the time it gave the different girls.
It is basically Mean Girls or Gossip Girl set in the golden age of Hollywood. The meanness is perhaps more subtle but selfishness is always happening here.
Relationship dramas amid family dramas against studio drama. It’s all drama all of the time for these girls. Even when they are at the top of their game they find some reason to envy their friends (and enemies).
Several important events happen in this book - maybe too much as some of it ends up a little rushed. Still this isn one of the rare times when I don’t mind a series. A series that leaves you with cliffhangers. These types of books have been my #1 book pet peeve for awhile. Here, it feels right. Like some ongoing soap opera with so many plots that you need more than one book to get it all in. If it goes on too long, it does run the risk of feeling stale (there's only so many twists you can give to Hollywood Starlets in the 30s), but for now I’m all in.