I try really hard to only read books that I think I will like, no matter how I get them (buy, borrow from the library, advanced copies from publishers). This one I was unsure of, but the library had it available and I am not opposed to reading something trashy or catty or pretentious so hey why not.
Turns out this was just mean, selfish, stupid people and little story. All you need to know is that Andy works for Miranda. Miranda is a fashion editor -- THEE fashion editor. When she says jump, everyone does. When, like Andy, you are one of Miranda's assistants you're supposed to know that she will say jump 10 seconds before she does and already be in the middle of the jump when her lips open. Assistants to Miranda generally try to do 1 year and if they have made it that far then Miranda helps them get virtually any job they want anywhere. That's pretty much why Andy had taken the job -- it could mean so much for her writing career.
The main point of the book seems to be for Andy to explain just how stupid and horrible her rich, famous, powerful boss is. And yup Miranda is miserable BUT Andy is too. A story like this needs to be snarky and fun to work. This, as I said, is just mean. No one is really likable in this story, not even Andy's perfect everyone loves him boyfriend -- not that there is much wrong with him but just her saying he is a saint means little. We didn't get to know him very well. We did get to know Miranda and Andy. While I am sure we are meant to hate Miranda, I found Andy as bad or worse. She's a whiner. She's selfish.
There is no one to root for here. There is no story. There is just meanness, whining, poor me, ignoring of those who actually matter. Oh and a happy'ish ending that is about as dull as they rest of the story.