So torn on what to give this one. I think I have settled on 3/5 stars but it is at the lower end of three.
The concept of this book is both insane and awesome all at once: the batch of flu shots that one homeroom got was “tainted” causing the unusual side effect of telepathy. When only two of twenty-four classmates in said homeroom of opted not to get the shot, well, some craziness is bound to happen. The majority of the class can hear what everyone in the room (and any room for that matter) is thinking. Mostly. There are some rules that sometimes seem to be in play and sometimes not so much — mainly that you need to be close to the person you are “listening” to, no one should be between you, walls tend to block the ability to read thoughts, and a few others. Like most teens these kids lives revolve around relationships (both with those they are interested in and with friends), school, and family. Suddenly being able to hear your teachers’ thoughts, your parents issues, what your girlfriend did…. well, that can be quite disruptive. But hey, you could cheat in school. You’d have an advantage in sports. Around virtually ever turn they realize a new advantage and disadvantage both.
While their unique side effect is really the entire story, it also felt so unnecessary. This really is just your run of the mill high school drama kind of story. The shot and ESP seems to be added just to make it unique. All of these dramas happen in every other high school story - the only real difference between those books and this one is that in other books the rumor mill has to actually kick in, here your thoughts are the rumor mill. That kid that sits across from you doesn’t have to overhear you telling your bestie your secrets, they hear you thinking about them.
It does seem to end in a way that sets up sequels. I likely wouldn’t bother with those.
Still, I’m not sorry that I read the book, it was a fast read while I stuck in bed.
* Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost in order to review it. I offered no guarantee of a positive review, though I only request books I think I'll like because why read a book you think you’ll hate?