I averaged this book out at about a solid 3. That, to me, is a respectable rating for a anthology. Too often collections such as this include one story that you really like and the rest are bombs. This one is chalk full of princesses, trolls, castles, adventures, and misadventures. Like most anthologies, I wasn’t madly in love with every story. I’d rate Castle of Masks (The story of a beast who demands the company of the local maidens) and Flight (the story of a princess who is put to the test thanks to her aunt) the highest. Many of the stories are written in true classic fairy tale style while a few others are a little more abstract while still honoring the stories that inspired them. Here’s my individual ratings (the 2s were not badly written, they just weren’t my thing) -
The Coin of the Heart’s Desire by Yoon Ha Lee - 4/5 stars
The Lenten Rose by Genevieve Valentine - 3/5 stars
The Spinning Wheel’s Tale by Jane Yolen - 3/5 Stars
Below the Sun Beneath by Tanith Lee - 3/5 Stars.
Warrior Dreams by Cinda Williams Chima - There’s a monster in the lake. 3/5
Born and Bread by Kaaron Warren - 3/5 stars
Tales that Fairies Tell by Richard Bowes - 3/5
Sleeping Beauty of Elista by Ekaterina Sedia - 4/5
The Road to Needles by Caitlín R. Kiernan - 2/5
Lupine by Nisi Shawl - 4/5
Flight by Angela Slatter- 5/5
Egg by Priya Sharma - 4/5
Castle of Masks by Cory Skerry - 5/5
The Giant in Repose by Nathan Ballingrud - 3/5
The Hush of the Feathers by A.C. Wise - 2/5
Eat me, Drink Me, Love me by Christopher Barzak - 3/5
The Mirror Tells All by Erzebet YellowBoy - 2/5
Blanchefleur by Theodora Goss - 4/5
* Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost in order to review it. I offered no guarantee of a positive review, though I only request books I think I'll like because why read a book you think you’ll hate?