Lost Vegas TP
By Jim McCann and Janet Lee
I decided to read this comic for one reason and one reason only: it was touted as being the book that reunites the team behind Return of the Dapper Men. Return of the Dapper Men was the book that had such pretty artwork that it made my mom announce she wanted that book. My mom. She’s not exactly known for her comic book habit. That is one winning team to put out a book like that. I probably shouldn’t fall for work where the first lines of the description are basically “by the people who brought you…” At least not without looking deeper into the book. Thing is, in this case the description beyond that sounded like it could be interesting.
The artwork is lovely, but after seeing the work in Dapper men, it’s a bit of a let down. The story line is bland and forgettable. Basically people who screw up are forced to work off their debts on this Los Vegas style ship. One guy gets tired of it and plots his escape with a little help. There’s no real character development. There are bad guys (obviously) but the worst of them almost seem like page filler while they waste time trying to decide if they’ll let our poor sap escape or not. Actually most of the book feels like filler. I’m still waiting for a story that I care about and it’s sadly just not there. Neither the art nor the story is going to make anyone’s mom a comic book fan. Sad, I had such high hopes.
* Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost in order to review it. I offered no guarantee of a positive review, though I only request books I think I'll like because why read a book you think you’ll hate?