When this book popped up as a title available for review, I considered requesting it, but then again my book reading plate was rather full. The author's name seemed familiar to me. I looked her up. Oooh! I'd read another series of hers: Vampire Island, and while it wasn't perfect it had been a solid 4 star children's series that had turned vampires into something unique and silly, safe reading for kids. I had to see what she'd do with witches. What she did was something fun, of course. Claire and Luna are twins (Luna is 13 minutes older and far more serious). As is the case with many twins they're quite different and yet they can get on the same wave length quite easily. They're also both witches. When they spot the ring on the girlfriend of their father they start to imagine what it means - disaster of course. She'll take daddy away from them, far far away. No matter what their grandma has warned them of (that using magic to change fate is bad) they know that drastic times call for drastic measures - magic of course. Never mind that they haven't yet even reached 1 star witch status and most of their spells go a little awry. Still, if they can stop the wedding, surely that means that they'll be spared of having a step-mother named "Fluffy" and there dad will never be at risk of being whisked off to Texas, right? A charming witchy tale for young readers. An extended preview for the follow-up book (Witch Twins at Camp Bliss) is included and won't disappoint. I'd recommend this one to people who remember television shows like Sabrina the Teenage Witch or Bewitched and want to experience that type of lighthearted witchiness from a children's book.
* Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost in order to review it. I offered no guarantee of a positive review, though I only request books I think I'll like so as not to waste my time.