Jacky is back. Kicked off the ship for having been born a girl she's now stuck at a school for girls. They've been given the monumental task of turning Jacky into a lady. An extra difficult task given that Jacky would rather be down at the bar playing her songs, saving up her tips to buy a ship -- or at least a ticket that will get her to London. But then Jacky makes some friends, some enemies, has a mystery to solve involving a dead girl and really creepy minister who wants to take custody of her next, oh and she isn't hearing from Jaimy -- so maybe she'll stick around and try to become a lady after all or at least pretend to take an interest in her classes enough so that she isn't kicked out. Just as good as the first despite not taking place aboard the ship. I do feel like I should give a warning that I forgot to give in my review of the first book - being a YA book, it should be noted that there are quite a lot of abuses against girls in these books. Granted most of these are against Jacky and she is either strong enough or lucky enough to get out of the worst of these situations before they turn truly bad, but the worst of these are sexual in nature. In this second book there were several of these close calls. YA books are read by pretty much every age range from as soon as kids feel they'll be able to understand the words through old age. For many readers some of these scenes could be quite sensitive, especially younger readers or people who have these sorts of scenes trigger very personal emotional memories / responses.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Curse of the Blue Tattoo
Jacky is back. Kicked off the ship for having been born a girl she's now stuck at a school for girls. They've been given the monumental task of turning Jacky into a lady. An extra difficult task given that Jacky would rather be down at the bar playing her songs, saving up her tips to buy a ship -- or at least a ticket that will get her to London. But then Jacky makes some friends, some enemies, has a mystery to solve involving a dead girl and really creepy minister who wants to take custody of her next, oh and she isn't hearing from Jaimy -- so maybe she'll stick around and try to become a lady after all or at least pretend to take an interest in her classes enough so that she isn't kicked out. Just as good as the first despite not taking place aboard the ship. I do feel like I should give a warning that I forgot to give in my review of the first book - being a YA book, it should be noted that there are quite a lot of abuses against girls in these books. Granted most of these are against Jacky and she is either strong enough or lucky enough to get out of the worst of these situations before they turn truly bad, but the worst of these are sexual in nature. In this second book there were several of these close calls. YA books are read by pretty much every age range from as soon as kids feel they'll be able to understand the words through old age. For many readers some of these scenes could be quite sensitive, especially younger readers or people who have these sorts of scenes trigger very personal emotional memories / responses.