Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wart, Son of Toad

Wart, Son of Toad By Alden R. Carter

Being a child of the 80s myself (when this book was first published) even I find some of the terms dated and just weird. That said this is still a good story. It's the story of Steve aka "Wart". Wart is not the name he'd like to be known by; but when your dad is a teacher at the school you attend and very much disliked, with a nickname of his own (Toad) -- well, what's a guy to do? Still, being known as Wart is the least of Steve's problems, his mom and sister died in a car accident, his grades are about as low as they can go and if they don't go way up he won't be getting into the mechanics program he really wants to get into, girls -- well, what girls?, the jocks aren't just giving him a tough time but they seem to be threatening his dad as well. A fairly realistic story complete with bullies, girl trouble, bad grades, loss, fights, and a bit of redemption.

Warnings for parents: Drug use. Fights / bullying. Death. A few curse words.

* Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost in order to review it. I offered no guarantee of a positive review, though I only request books I think I'll like because why read a book you think you’ll hate?