Okay this is one of those that is tough for me to review. I liked some aspects of it and really hated others. Mild mild spoilers ahead.
Some of the things that really bugged me -
Words get used over and over and over and over again. To the point that if I ever read them again I'll probably throw up. I hate that in a book. I don't mind characters or groups having their own slang / favorite words. When I am getting to the point that if I see them so much in one page I feel like I might have to just give up on the book, well, you've used them too much because I'm pretty darned patient.
The love stories were just not interesting. The real love story was eh the fairly typical madly in love at first sight kind of thing you find in many YA novels. From Zoe's point of view the immediate intense feelings could make sense - she was one of the people who had never been truly in control of their own mind. First time she's allowed to think or feel on her own and she experiences a boy as a teenage girl. Blamo. If she thought the greens of the trees were exciting of course a kiss is going to make her crazy. The boy, however, had in fact lived with his own mind in tact so that kind of love was insane from him that quickly.
The second love story, such as it was, seemed to only exist to give us a psycho creepy villain.
Unless I totally misread a major part of the book Zoe seemed to disable some of age chipped out folk, but then never had a thought about how "Woah I did THAT? Maybe I could do that to my parents' chips"
Still. there is some good. The concept itself is good. The last few chapters were excellent when Adrien's slang wasn't spreading like a virus. None of the good aspects were enough for me to really care about going forward with the series though. In the end the bad beat out the good.
* Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost in order to review it. I offered no guarantee of a positive review, though I only request books I think I'll like because why read a book you think you’ll hate?