I didn't fall madly in love with this book, but I also didn't hate it. Damselfly starts out slowly as it introduces us to its main characters, especially one: Lina. Lina has always believed that she was the only one of her kind. Her kind being an experiment - part human and part damselfly.
The project that created Lina makes no sense, not even for a fantasy story, but somehow I let that slide as the reasons behind Lina's existence are only mentioned briefly. This isn't so much a story of how we got here, instead it's more about what's next. For Lina what's next is the revelation that she is not, in fact, the only one like her. There are others. Boy others aka the Toms. Lina is expected to pick one as a husband and then at least attempt to reproduce. Thing is, Lina has already chosen. Her choice, Jack, is nothing like her. Should she tell Jack who and what she is? Or just cave and choose one of the Toms?
Most of the book is following Lina through her crazy forced reality show. At times it is awkward and slow but overall it's a cute story. Some of the fairly vital characters (the staff of the project, and the Toms) are not explored as well as they should be. It was not quite as predictable as I thought it would be. In fact I thought for sure one of two things had to happen, and they did not -- that is a very good thing as it would have been too easy to go down those roads. The ending was the kind of ending I love -- One where you leave the book here and here like you got a full story while still being left open for further options. It is not quite a happily ending after for everyone, but it wraps up the best it could.
* Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost in order to review it. I offered no guarantee of a positive review, though I only request books I think I'll like because why read a book you think you’ll hate?