Lewis Carroll’s "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” - yeah, the classic story is here. Good luck to the other authors in the collection trying to compete with that. Surely everyone knows at least a bit of this story. Alice falls down the rabbit hole and ends up in another world, one filled with magical mushrooms, sneaky cats, hatters that are mad…
Kaye Chazan's "What Aelister Found Here” - This one tied with “Knave” for my favorite story (excluding Alice, as I said, good luck competing with that one). A young man breaks his arm, runs away, and winds up in Jack the Ripper’s London.
Amanda Ching's "House of Cards” - A bit more abstract than the other stories making it felt the closest to the original, albeit a bit darker.
Hilary Thomas's “Knave” - A crime noir story with hints of Wonderland thrown in (mainly names but there are other little hints here and there). One of the best of the 4 tribute pieces.
C.A. Young's "The World in a Thimble”. - The story of a young art gallery owner who is thrown into Wonderland while waiting for an artist to show up at the gallery. He won’t be the same if he finds his way out.
Not every story here is a 5 but it is a solid collection / tribute / re-telling.
* Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost in order to review it. I offered no guarantee of a positive review, though I only request books I think I'll like because why read a book you think you’ll hate?